New Year, New Vision. Cure Cataracts and Give the Gift of Sight from £100

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Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Surgeons in Gaza & Lebanon
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Surgeons in Gaza & Lebanon
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Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
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Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Water Aid
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
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Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Environmental Sustainability
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Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Economic Empowerment
Change a Child's Life
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Build a Mosque
Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Build a Mosque
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Gaza Surgeons August Deployment
Long-term Crisis
0121 446 5682

What is Fidyah?

What is Fidyah?

What is Fidyah?

Fidyah is paid by those who are unable to fast owing to illness, old age or infirmity. Fidyah consists of paying for 2 meals for a person per day of fasting missed. If you are obliged to pay Fidyah the current rate is:

• £5 per day

• For 30 fasts of Ramadan the amount is £150



written by | islamic help


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